Exposé – Sarah Goldbort – WNY School Teacher
Several months ago a concerned Western New York (Niagara region) parent came to us worried after discussing school lessons with their child. We have waited to release this so it would be harder to match up the handwriting with any student during that time. If you wonder why our armed forces recruitment numbers are historically low, this could be it.
Here are the child’s notes from Ms. Goldborts ENGLISH class she taught to 14 year old’s. The majority of her “curriculum” was centered around “toxic masculinity”.
- Sports and military are teaching dominance and hyper masculinity.
- Masculine people are more likely to engage in dangerous activities.
- Alot of violent video games feature a masculine man as the main character.
- Video games are often shown to military to get them used to violent activities.
- There are people killing themselves and others because they don’t feel man enough
- Men feel pressured to play sports, work out, etc.
- Sexual conquest is heavily associated with masculinity.
- Boys and girls are alot more similar than previously thought.
The notes above were in part from a documentary the kids watched called “The Mask You Live In” which is described as follows: “Explores how our culture’s narrow definition of masculinity is harming our boys, men and society at large and unveils what we can do about it.“
Concerns were also raised on the possibility of unfair grading practices and favoring students based on gender.
Supporting evidence
Clearly, she injects her beliefs into her curriculum.
Source: https://call-for-papers.sas.upenn.edu/cfp/2016/08/30/fostering-feminist-men-reaching-resistant-students-in-composition-classrooms
Source: LinkedIn
So we reached out to her employer…
Immediately after reaching out to her employer — she never taught another unsupervised lesson that year. She discontinued all topics of gender identity, masculinity, etc and the course immediately shifted to reading and writing. One student reported over a 40 point jump in his average less than a week after we reported her.
Lessons learned
Stay vigilant. Talk to your child about the things they are learning in school and review all notes, homework, etc. Woke indoctrination relies on the breakdown of traditional family values and the de-masculinization of men because any strong father figure would not stand for this crap being taught in schools.
Please keep fighting for what is right. Bless you for helping God work his magic.